Contact: Dr. Oliver Brabänder

Material: bpc BLEACHING APDS

Test Parameter Method Specification Test Value Unit
min max
Appearance at 25°C CA_0100_01
sensory evaluation
powder powder powder
Odor CA_0110_01

sensory evaluation

characteristic characteristic characteristic
Color CA_0199_01
L*a*b measurement
light blue
85; -17;-15
83; -15; -11
Bulk Weight 080108201910 10 12 11,1 g/mL
pH Value (powder : Standard Developer 3% = 1:1) CA_0151_01 10 12 10,1

TAMC – Total Aerobic Microbial Count

Ph Eur. <=500 <=500 <=500 cfu/g

Total Yeasts and Moulds

Ph Eur. <=500 <=500 <=500 cfu/g


Test values are based on analyses carried out in the Quality Control Laboratory of Careabout GmbH promptly after production. This document is issued by electronic data processing. According to DIN EN 10204 signature is not necessary.

Quality Control

Dr. Oliver Brabänder